1.Because he loved us,he sent his son,Jesus Christ to take the punishment that we deserve and put it on himself.And that's why he died on the cross.
2.Being a cop has forced me to see the worst in people and see how one person's selfish decisions can hurt so many others.I see now that every child is a gift from God.
3.When a father's absent kids are five times more likely to commit suicide and abuse drugs,twenty times more likely to wind up in prison.I know your shift work's hard and I know you see the worst side of people.But when you clock out,go home and love your family.
4.But I can assure you that challenges will arise,conflicts will arise,and controversy will arise. It is at that moment that in order to live out this resalution,you will need courage,courage,courage.
5.I don't wanna be a "good-enough" father.We have a few short years to influence our kids.Whatever patterns we set for them will be used for their kids and the generation after that.We have the responsibility to mold a life.I don't think that should be done casually.Half the fathers in this country are failing.I don't wanna be one of them.
6.I've heard many people say,who have lost a loved one that in some ways it's like earning to live with an amputation.You do heal,but you're never the same.And the hard choice for you iswhether you're gonna be angry for the time you didn't have with her or grateful for the time that you did have.
7.At a moment like this silence seems to be the only expression that fits.What can we,as mere men,say to a grieving and shartter heart.We speak today because we have a living hope.Death is no respecter of persons.Death is no respecter of youth.Death is a painful in truder and a pernicious reminder of our human condition.But I stand before you today to declare that we have a living hope and that causes us to rejoice greatly.You see,our hope today is found in the fact that Jesus is no longer entombed.He lives.The grieving broken hearth as hope and reason to rejoice.
8.I don't understand,Lord. I've been trying to do everything possible to provide for my family.And I have needed your help.But you don't help me.I told my family that you would help us.That you would provide.What do I tell them?That we're going to lose our house?What do you want me to do?
9.I...do solemnly resolve before God,to take responsibility for myself,my wife and my children.I will love them,protect them and serve them.And teach them the statues of God as the spiritual leader of my home.I will be faithful to my wife,to love and honor her.And be willing to lay down my life for her,as Christ did for me.I will teach my son to love God with all of his heart,all of his mind,and all of his strength.And I will train him to honor authority and live responsibly.I will confront evil,pursue justice,and love mercy.I will treat others with kindness,respect and compassion.I will work deligently to provide for the needs of my family. I will forgive those who have wronged me and reconcile with those who I have wronged.I will walk in integrity as a man answerable to God.I will seek to honor God,obey his word,and do his will.As for me and my house,we will serve the Lord.
10.You don't have to ask who will guide my family,because by God's grace,I will.You don't have to ask who will teach my son to follow Christ,because I will.Who will accept the responsibility of providing and protecting my family?I will.Who will ask God to break the chain of destructive patterns in my history?I will.Who will pray for and bless my children to boldly pursue whatever God calls them to do?I am their father,I will.I accept this responsibility,and it is my privilege to embrace it.I want the favor of God and his blessing on my home.Any good man does.So where are you,men of courage?Where are you,fathers who fear the Lord?It's time to rise up and answer the call that God has given to you and to say,"I will.I will.I will."
11.I now believe that God desires for every father to courageously step up and do whatever it takes to be involved in the lives of his children.But more than just being there or providing for them,he's to walk with them through their lives and be a visual representation of the character of God,their father in heaven.A father should love his children and seek to win their hearts.He should protect them,discipline them and teach them about God.He should model how to talk with integrity and treat others with respect,and should call out his children to be come responsible men and women who live their lives for what matters in eternity.