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生活大爆炸谢耳朵经典语录大全 中英双语对照版(生活大爆炸谢耳朵是谁)
《生活大爆炸》是一部很受欢迎的美国情景喜剧,下面给大家整理了生活大爆炸谢耳朵经典语录大全,中英双语对照版哦, 喜欢谢耳朵或想学英语的朋友,都不要错过哦! 生活大爆炸谢耳朵经典语录之她是我的客人1.She's my guest. If anyone should offer her anything, it should be me. Elizabeth, can I get you something? Perhaps a feminine hygiene product, or a bowel regulating yogurt?她是我的客人。要招待她的话
暮光之城经典台词集锦 中英双语对照版(暮光之城经典台词英文)
很多人因为《暮光之城》而不再害怕吸血鬼,如果你属于这类人,不要错过下面的中英对照版暮光之城经典台词集锦哦!1.Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the restof the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain. (Bella)有时候,我在想我眼里所看到的和世上所有其他人眼里所看到的是不是同样的东西.也许,我脑袋里哪里短路了.2.Do I dazzle you? (Edward)
美剧中的经典台词大全 中英双语对照版(美剧台词中英文对照)
下面整理了中英双语对照版美剧中的经典台词大全,喜欢看美剧的朋友或是正在学英语的朋友可以看一下!Life is full of changes. One day you have an apartment, the next day it's a house of dumplings.生活充满了变数。前一天你还有一间公寓,第二天你发现它就变成了饺子馆。From the moment the date begins, you have five minutes to decide whether you're going tocommit to an entire evening.约会开始后,你可以用五分钟时间
暮光之城经典台词集锦 中英双语对照版(暮光之城经典台词英文)
很多人因为《暮光之城》而不再害怕吸血鬼,如果你属于这类人,不要错过下面的中英对照版暮光之城经典台词集锦哦!1.Sometimes I wondered if I was seeing the same things through my eyes that the restof the world was seeing through theirs. Maybe there was a glitch in my brain. (Bella)有时候,我在想我眼里所看到的和世上所有其他人眼里所看到的是不是同样的东西.也许,我脑袋里哪里短路了.2.Do I dazzle you? (Edward)
永不妥协经典台词集锦 中英双语对照版(永不妥协经典台词30句中英)
电影《永不妥协》是一部由真实事件改编的感人电影,下面精选了中英双语版永不妥协经典台词,大家可以看一下!1.I think I look nice. And as long as I have one ass instead of two, I'll wear what I like... if that'sokay.我以为我这样穿很好看,只要我还窈窕动人,我爱怎么穿就怎么穿,你没意见吧。2.Do they teach lawyers to apologize? Because you suck at it.没人教你们这些律师要如何道歉吗?因为你的道歉实在